
July 16, 2023

The Rider on the White Horse (Revelation 19:11-21)

The Rider on the White Horse (Revelation 19:11-21)

The Rider on the White Horse (Revelation 19:11-21) This message is part 40 of the sermon series ‘Victory in Jesus’ (An Exposition of Revelation) by Joey Morrison and was recorded at Southside Baptist Church, Concord, NC on July 16th, 2023. To hear more in this series or others please visit our website at

July 9, 2023

The Hallelujah Chorus (Revelation 19:1-10)

The Hallelujah Chorus (Revelation 19:1-10)

The Hallelujah Chorus (Revelation 19:1-10) This message is part 39 of the sermon series ‘Victory in Jesus’ (An Exposition of Revelation) by Joey Morrison and was recorded at Southside Baptist Church, Concord, NC on July 9th, 2023. To hear more in this series or others please visit our website at

July 2, 2023

The World Will Fall (Revelation 18)

The World Will Fall (Revelation 18)

The World Will Fall (Revelation 18) This message is part 38 of the sermon series ‘Victory in Jesus’ (An Exposition of Revelation) by Joey Morrison and was recorded at Southside Baptist Church, Concord, NC on July 2nd, 2023. To hear more in this series or others please visit our website at

June 25, 2023

Since Christ Has Been Raised (1 Corinthians 15:20-28)

Since Christ Has Been Raised (1 Corinthians 15:20-28) This message is by Trey Palmer and was recorded at Southside Baptist Church, Concord, NC on June 25th, 2023. To hear more sermons like with one please visit our website at

June 18, 2023

He is Ours and We are His (Psalm 16)

He is Ours and We are His (Psalm 16) This message is by Matthew Theologou and was recorded at Southside Baptist Church, Concord, NC on June 18th, 2023. To hear more sermons like with one please visit our website at

June 11, 2023

If Christ Has Not Been Raised (1 Corinthians 15:12-19)

If Christ Has Not Been Raised (1 Corinthians 15:12-19) This message is by Trey Palmer and was recorded at Southside Baptist Church, Concord, NC on June 11th, 2023. To hear more sermons like with one please visit our website at

June 4, 2023

Do Not Marvel (Revelation 17:6b-18)

Do Not Marvel (Revelation 17:6b-18)

Do Not Marvel (Revelation 17:6b-18) This message is part 37 of the sermon series ‘Victory in Jesus’ (An Exposition of Revelation) by Joey Morrison and was recorded at Southside Baptist Church, Concord, NC on June 4th, 2023. To hear more in this series or others please visit our website at

May 28, 2023

Exposing the World (Revelation 17:1-6)

Exposing the World (Revelation 17:1-6)

Exposing the World (Revelation 17:1-6) This message is part 36 of the sermon series ‘Victory in Jesus’ (An Exposition of Revelation) by Joey Morrison and was recorded at Southside Baptist Church, Concord, NC on May 28th, 2023. To hear more in this series or others please visit our website at

May 21, 2023

A Defense of God’s Wrath (Revelation 16)

A Defense of God's Wrath  (Revelation 16)

Defense of God’s Wrath (Revelation 16) This message is part 35 of the sermon series ‘Victory in Jesus’ (An Exposition of Revelation) by Joey Morrison and was recorded at Southside Baptist Church, Concord, NC on May 21st, 2023. To hear more in this series or others please visit our website at

May 14, 2023

The New Exodus (Revelation 15)

The New Exodus (Revelation 15)

The New Exodus (Revelation 15) This message is part 34 of the sermon series ‘Victory in Jesus’ (An Exposition of Revelation) by Joey Morrison and was recorded at Southside Baptist Church, Concord, NC on May 14th, 2023. To hear more in this series or others please visit our website at

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