We want to give a special thank you for visiting our website and just give you a brief summary of who we are as a church. The rest of the website will expand on this. Very simply we are a church seeking to live out the reality of the good news of Jesus Christ.
That good news is that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. The Bible teaches that there is one God who created everything. The Bible teaches that this God is the essence of goodness and love. Also, there is nothing that exists that this one God did not make, and he made it all to glorify himself, including us (humanity). But unfortunately we have not lived for God’s glory. The Bible says that we have all rebelled against God and sought to live for our own glory. The result is a broken relationship with God and the promise of his judgment. But God in his amazing love chose to show us mercy. While we were in rebellion against God, God became man. His name was Jesus, and Jesus offered himself up as a sacrifice for our sins to take the punishment that we deserved. He died, was buried, and rose 3 days later proving his sacrifice was sufficient for all our sin. We can receive the forgiveness of sins by simply turning from the promises of sin and putting our trust in Jesus as our Savior and Lord.
That is a brief explanation of the good news or gospel of Jesus Christ. If you have any questions you can contact us on our contact page. We invite you to contact us or visit us. We meet for worship every Sunday morning at 10:45am. If at any point you feel led to want to join our church, we would be glad to talk to you about that as well. We have a simple membership process involving a new members’ class, an interview with our pastor, and then a vote by our church.
Enjoy the rest of our website.